【2022 品味生活節:講究不將就】Ozone、冰球樂團 強勢來襲! 搞什麼鬼美式萬聖派對展現你的狂野小宇宙!

Next Step

Event Time /

2022/10/28(Fri) 09:00(+0800) ~ 2022/10/30(Sun) 21:00(+0800)

Event Location /

Pinway駁二8號倉庫 (高雄市鹽埕區瀨南街8號)

Event Tickets /

  • A)專業品味員 (品味存摺一本)

    (Sale Period:~ 2022/10/30 21:00(+0800))
    TWD$199 End of Sale
  • B)品味星球市民(逐夢星球之夜演唱會 一般票,附贈品味存摺一本)

    (Sale Period:2022/10/09 12:00(+0800) ~ 2022/10/30 21:00(+0800))
    TWD$299 End of Sale
  • C)品味星球搖滾客(逐夢星球之夜演唱會搖滾票,附贈品味存摺一本)

    (Sale Period:2022/10/15 12:00(+0800) ~ 2022/10/30 21:00(+0800))
    TWD$599 End of Sale
  • D)品味派對咖(搞什麼鬼‧美式派對 入場券,附贈品味存摺一本)

    (Sale Period:2022/10/09 12:00(+0800) ~ 2022/10/29 21:00(+0800))
    TWD$499 End of Sale
  • E)品味全部(逐夢星球之夜演唱會 一般票、搞什麼鬼‧美式派對入場券,附贈品味存摺一本)

    (Sale Period:2022/10/09 12:00(+0800) ~ 2022/10/29 00:00(+0800))
    TWD$699 End of Sale
  • F) 百瀚專區

    (Sale Period:~ 2022/10/30 18:00(+0800))
    TWD$179 End of Sale

Co-organizers /

漢神百貨、漢神巨蛋、翰品飯店 高雄、百瀚智能教育

More Info /

本活動委由 KKTIX 代為處理退票退款事宜 退票時將酌收 10% 手續費、且活動前十天內(不含活動日)不予退票。 詳情請見 KKTIX 代理退換票辦法。

當紅男團Ozone、知名樂團icyball 強勢來襲!












Ozone、icyball、柯蕭、Sun Day Night、Ruka-Banana、望月小豆、WE JAM七組藝人接連帶來精彩表演,震撼整個駁二特區!







📌 逐夢星球之夜 ft. Ozone、冰球樂團


📌 搗蛋鬼NOW翻天 ft. 百瀚智能教育

📌 萬聖風格市集 ft. 邊緣工事

📌 手作體驗課程任你選(鹿角蕨上板、花藝手作、皮革壓印、檜木箸製作)

📌 咖啡與酒的專業品韻會、塔羅牌自我探索





🎯三個印章即可兌換一張抽獎券,抽Mac Air、Switch、翰品酒店雙人住宿券等多樣好禮🎯


▌品味存摺介紹 (單價199元)

「品味存摺」宛如品味生活節之活動手冊,除了所有活動的詳細資訊外,還可抵萬元購物金及抽Apple Mac Air、Switch、翰品酒店雙人住宿券等萬元大獎。


  • 生活市集精美好禮兌換券

  • 手作體驗課程最高可省1090元 (點我了解)

  • 8c咖啡:8C皇家美式咖啡品味體驗活動價$50 (原價$90)

  • 8c咖啡:8C戀人 咖啡巧克力 買一送一優惠(原價一份$80)

  • 午後甜點全品項九折

  • 艾瑞兒花藝-到店消費享 95 折優惠券(111/10/28-112/1/28)

  • 翰品酒店【港都茶樓】:中點兌換券一份(10/28-11/30)

  • PAVO餐酒館Shot乙杯招待券(10/28~11/30)

  • Le Bistro D'Ours 小熊餐酒館來店消費送一口爽酒打卡打九折滿800送100元抵用券、享野格炸彈買三送享龍舌蘭買三送一

  • 哈瑪星台灣鐵道館模型展1位大人+1位小孩149元(10/28-11/6)

  • 哈瑪星台灣鐵道館駁二線小火車1位大人+1位小孩149元(10/28-11/6)

  • 打狗喫咖啡飲品8折優惠(10/28-11/6)

  • 神百貨、漢神巨蛋超值優惠(飛利浦空氣清淨機優惠近一萬元、 施巴洗髮精買一送一、 Haagen-Dazs第二份現折100元、 北海鮮物全品項第二件半價、 SNOW FACTORY優格冰淇淋買一送一等超過60間專櫃優惠)







✦ 活動因應 COVID-19 疫情,如疫情加重導致政策限制或天災等不可抗力因素,主辦單位保留隨時修正、暫停或終止本活動之權利,如有變動將另行公告。






  1. 請依主辦單位公佈之入場時間按照現場排隊順序一人一票驗票入場。
  2. 本活動提供酒精無限暢飲,未成年請勿進場,切勿飲酒開車。
  3. 本票券視同無記名有價票券,請務必妥善保存,一人一票憑票入場,票券如發生遺失、破損、燒毀及無法辨識等情形,本系統恕不重新開票,請持票人善盡保管之責,並請注意任何憑證皆無法取代票券本身,恕無法持任何憑證要求入場或補開票券。
  4. 本活動為疫情期間販售票券,購票即明白且決定疫情是一直存在著的狀況仍決定購買票券,您須知悉其疫情風險可能一直存在,活動可能仍維持正常舉辦亦或延期、取消,若因疫情狀況延期或取消,將必須自行承擔延期或取消所衍生之票券相關費用,若仍維持正常舉辦一切皆以原規範辦理。
  5. 因應COVID-19疫情,本活動依「中央流行疫情指揮中心」公告辦理防疫措施,敬請配合。
  6. 購票即表示同意遵守上述所列規則,違反主辦單位票券使用規則及安全規定者,主辦單位有拒絕其入場或要求
  7. 主辦單位Pinway保留活動的最終決定權,且有權更改相關活動方式及內容,並於相關更改公布於活動網站時生效,恕不另行通知。




  1. 全場站席,請依主辦單位公佈之入場時間按照現場排隊順序一人一票驗票入場。
  2. 本票券視同無記名有價票券,請務必妥善保存,一人一票憑票入場,票券如發生遺失、破損、燒毀及無法辨識等情形,本系統恕不重新開票,請持票人善盡保管之責,並請注意任何憑證皆無法取代票券本身,恕無法持任何憑證要求入場或補開票券。
  3. 本活動為疫情期間販售票券,購票即明白且決定疫情是一直存在著的狀況仍決定購買票券,您須知悉其疫情風險可能一直存在,活動可能仍維持正常舉辦亦或延期、取消,若因疫情狀況延期或取消,將必須自行承擔延期或取消所衍生之票券相關費用,若仍維持正常舉辦一切皆以原規範辦理。
  4. 因應COVID-19疫情,活動當日進入活動場地請全程配戴口罩,本節目依「中央流行疫情指揮中心」公告辦理防疫措施,敬請配合。
  5. 購票即表示同意遵守上述所列規則,違反主辦單位票券使用規則及安全規定者,主辦單位有拒絕其入場或要求
  6. 主辦單位Pinway保留活動的最終決定權,且有權更改相關活動方式及內容,並於相關更改公布於活動網站時生效,恕不另行通知。



【2022 Savour Your Life: Be Exquisite, Don’t Settle】Ozone & Icy Ball are coming! Seize The Night Costume Party let your little universe burn!  

To lead the new national “taste improving trend”, Pinway Pier-2 No.8 Warehouse’s annual event “2022 Savour Your Life: Be Exquisite, Don’t Settle” releases “exclusive Taste Passbook” that promotes taste improving to cultivate personal connoisseurship and raise personal charm.


▌Event Tickets

🍻Seize The Night Costume Party🍻

Unlimited beer!! Let the professional musicians’ Live performance bring you travel through the music. Here’s no Netflix, but still chill. Dress up and come seize your night.

Ticket Price|NT.499 (with a free Taste Passbook)



🎤Dream Chaser Concert🎤

The popular boy bandOzone & music band—Icy Ball will take turns to use their splendid performances rocking the whole Pier-2 Art Center!

Ticket Price|$299 (general admission); $599 (GA floor section, limited to 100 tickets) (both with a free Taste Passbook)

Time|10/30(Sun) 18:00~21:00


▌Event Highlight

📌Dream Chaser Concert /ft. Ozone, Icy Ball

📌Seize the Night Costume Party

📌Here Comes Little Munchkins! (Trick or treat+ runway fashion show) /ft. PaiHan Intelligence Education

📌Lifestyle Bazaar /ft. EDGEWORK

📌Handicraft trial classes (Mount a Staghorn Fern, Floral Art, Leather Embossing, Cypress Chopsticks Making)

📌Professional coffee and wine tasting


🎯A stamp will be given to anyone who purchases a ticket or spends every NT.100 at “2022 Savour Your Life: Be Exquisite, Don't Settle”. 🎯

🎯 Three stamps can redeemed a raffle ticket to draw various gifts such as Mac Air, Switch, wireless Bluetooth headphones, etc.🎯


▌Introduction of Taste Passbook (Unit price: NT$199)

"Taste Passbook" is an activity book for “2022 Savour Your Life: Be Exquisite, Don’t Settle”. Except the detailed information on all activities, you could also get numerous discount coupons in the Taste Passbook (listed below). A raffle ticket is included in the Taste Passbook.


Lifestyle Bazaar gift voucher

蕨對品味: Single course for mounting a staghorn fern NT.1200 (original price: NT.1450)

花現自己-10/29: Single course for making preserved flower earrings NT.1680 (original price: NT.2000)

花現自己-10/30: Single course for making preserved flower gift box NT.980 (original price: NT.1200)

檜樂創作: Single course for making cypress chopsticks NT.200 (original price: NT.250)

玩皮創作: Single course for making leather keychain NT.100 (original price: NT.120)

玩皮創作: Single course for making leather absorbent coaster NT.130 (original price: NT.150)

玩皮創作: Single course for making leather triangle coin-purse NT.350 (original price: NT.380)

玩皮創作: Single course for making leather 3D relief charm NT.900 (original price: NT.980)

8C Café: 8C Royal Americano NT.50 discount coupon (original price: NT.90)

8C Café: 8C Rolling Coffee in White Chocolate buy 1 get 1 free discount coupon (original price: NT.80/pack)

Wu Ho Pastry: 10% off discount coupon for all items

Coffee Tasting entry ticket (original price: NT.100)

Wine Tasting NT.50 discount coupon (original price: NT.400)

Ariel’s Flower: 5% off discount coupon for in-store purchase (111/10/28-112/1/28)

Chateau De Chine [ Harbour Cantonese Restaurant]: One dim sum voucher (111/10/28-111/11/30)

PAVO Lounge Bistro: One shot voucher (111/10/28-111/11/30)

Hamasen Museum of Taiwan Railway: Exhibition of Railway Model, 1 adult+ 1 child NT.149 discount coupon (111/10/28-111/11/6)

Hamasen Museum of Taiwan Railway: Pier-2 Line Mini Tram, 1 adult+ 1 child NT.149 (111/10/28-111/11/6)

Takao Eat: 20% off for coffee and drinks discount coupon (111/10/28-111/11/6)

Hanshin Department Store, Hanshin Arena Shopping Plaza: Philips air purifier discount for nearly NT.10000, Sebamed shampoo buy 1 get 1 free, NT.100 off for the second Haagen-Dazs, 25% off for buying two items of any products in Bei Hai Sian Wu, SNOW FACTORY yogurt ice-cream buy 1 get 1 free, etc.


🎯Please refer to the rules of Taste Passbook for more details🎯

🎯Taste Passbook will be available at Pinway on 10/26🎯


▌Ticket plans:





Taste Passbook*1



Dream Chaser Concert (general admission) ticket*1, Taste Passbook*1



(limited to 100 tickets)

Dream Chaser Concert (GA floor section) ticket*1, Taste Passbook*1



Seize The Night Costume Party ticket*1, Taste Passbook*1



(All in one!!!)

Dream Chaser Concert (general admission) ticket*1, Seize The Night Costume Party ticket*1, Taste Passbook*1


🎯Price of the ticket plans can also be used to accumulate stamps and redeem raffle tickets 🎯


✦ If the COVID-19 aggravates and leads to force majeure such as policy restrictions or natural disasters, the event organizer reserves the right to amend, suspend or terminate the event at any time.

✦By purchasing a ticket plan, you agree to abide by the rules listed above. If you violate the event organizer's rules on ticket use and safety regulations, the event organizer has the right to refuse admission or request to leave the venue.

✦The event organizer, Pinway, reserves the right to make the final decision on all matters of the event, and reserves the right to change the event format and content, and the changes will take effect when posted on the event website without prior notice.


“Seize The Night Costume Party” Precautions & Admission Instructions:

  1. Please follow the admission time announced by the organizer and accept inspection of your tickets in order of the queue.
  2. This event provides unlimited alcoholic beverages, please do not enter the venue underage and do not drink and drive.
  3. This ticket is treated as a bearer ticket and must be kept in a safe place and admitted by one person, one vote. If the ticket is lost, damaged, burned or unrecognizable, the system will not reissue the ticket. Any receipt can’t be the certification to enter the venue.
  4. This ticket is sale during the epidemic period. Once you purchase a ticket, it means you understanding and are aware that the risk of the epidemic may always exist, and the event may remain normal, be postponed or be cancelled. If the event is postponed or cancelled due to the epidemic situation, you will have to bear the ticket-related costs arising from the postponement or cancellation. If it remains normal, everything will be handled according to the original regulations.
  5. In response to the COVID-19 epidemic, the event will follow the epidemic prevention measures announced by the Central Epidemic Command Center, so please cooperate.
  6. By purchasing a ticket, you agree to abide by the above rules and regulations. If you violate the rules and safety regulations of the organizer, the organizer has the right to refuse your admission or ask you to leave the venue.
  7. The event organizer, Pinway, reserves the right to make the final decision on all matters of the event, and has the right to change the event format and content, and the changes will be effective when they are posted on the event website without prior notice.


“Dream Chaser Concert” Precautions & Admission Instructions:


  1. All standing room, please follow the admission time announced by the organizer and accept inspection of your tickets in order of the queue.
  2. This ticket is treated as a bearer ticket and must be kept in a safe place and admitted by one person, one vote. If the ticket is lost, damaged, burned or unrecognizable, the system will not reissue the ticket. Any receipt can’t be the certification to enter the venue.
  3. This ticket is sale during the epidemic period. Once you purchase a ticket, it means you understanding and are aware that the risk of the epidemic may always exist, and the event may remain normal, be postponed or be cancelled. If the event is postponed or cancelled due to the epidemic situation, you will have to bear the ticket-related costs arising from the postponement or cancellation. If it remains normal, everything will be handled according to the original regulations.
  4. In response to the COVID-19 epidemic, the event will follow the epidemic prevention measures announced by the Central Epidemic Command Center, so please cooperate. Please be sure to wear a mask all time.
  5. By purchasing a ticket, you agree to abide by the above rules and regulations. If you violate the rules and safety regulations of the organizer, the organizer has the right to refuse your admission or ask you to leave the venue.
  6. The event organizer, Pinway, reserves the right to make the final decision on all matters of the event, and has the right to change the event format and content, and the changes will be effective when they are posted on the event website without prior notice.